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About Us


At Israeli News Live we examine world headlines and their relevancy to Biblical Prophecy. In the latter days that we are living in as many call the "End Times" people globally are concerned about where we are in light of Biblical Prophecy. Many people want to know, who is the Antichrist, when will the Gog and Magog war begin, is Russia a key player? What about Israel, Is Prime Minister Netanyahu for The Building of the Third Temple, why did Shimon Peres sign a covenant with the Vatican, what will be the "Seven Year Covenant" that Daniel speaks about and when will Armageddon begin? There are many questions on peoples hearts and news events are transpiring at lightning speed. ISIS has become many peoples greatest fear and yet the Vatican uses ISIS, ISIl, Hamas, the Palestinians, Hezbollah, and even Iran as their warriors. Soon all nations will come against Israel, in an Apocalypse type of Battle. Psalm 83 is not a war but a confederacy that the Popes of Rome have made against the Jews.


Here is our Israeli News Live Youtube Channel:



At Denoon Institute we unlock Biblical mysteries to help guide us through troubled times. Global events that are shaping the world today keep many of us on edge. But Jesus/Yeshua has commanded us " And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet." Our desire is that we may help you and your family in these troubling times to make sense of world events from Biblical perspective.


This is our Youtube Channel where we broadcast our Biblical Teachings:



We also have Fact News Network on Youtube where we bring you factual news and information from around the world:



Also Visit us on Patreon:


You may also visit our  Israeli News Live website at:



You will find our more sensitive alternative news and information on:



Jana has her own channel on Odysee please check it out and subscribe:



We appreciate all your love and support please feel free to contact us on our contact page. We love to hear from you. If you have information that you feel that you would like for us to report on or something that you would like us to touch on in our biblical teaching please reach out to us and let us know.


God Bless you all.


Steve & Jana

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