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Stefan Suto & Kiwi

We Are Seeking Justice For Stefan Suto

This website is dedicated to the memory of Stefan Suto - our father, grandfather and father-in-law who's life ended in the most atrocious manner, as has been confirmed by independent reviewing physicans.  We are seeking your help to find justice for Stefan, as well as to educate and inform you, so this horrific act will never be done again to any human being. 


He was infused with 21ml of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide mixed with 500ml of dextrose water, a dose that is more than 4 times higher than allowed by oxidative therapy practitioners. This protocol have been not only administered by the physician herself, former Dr. Carrie Madej,  but her prescription of this protocol was carelessly approved and further administered by the team of two doctors in Florida who allegedly "forgot" to check if Carrie Madej's protocol was accurate or even needed. Stefan was also nebulized by former Dr. Madej herself, with a strong, highly inaccurate protocol of 2ml of 3% food grade H2O2 mixed with 0.5ml of water. The above mentioned "treatments" caused agonizing pain and decline of Stefan's health condition to a point of no return. 

Two other physicians who took over the care of Stefan, after former Dr. Madej had refused to return to him when notified of his rapid decline, not only carelessly continued her protocol but added their own "experimental" treatments that further led to his decline. We are not at liberty to disclose full details of what happened in Florida at this time due to ongoing confidential investigation.  The detailed information will be provided as soon as we are able to publish it. Stefan died in a hotel room, unable to speak or say good-bye on December 23, 2021. According to independent physicans who reviewed this case he died due to treatments mentioned above. Please start with watching the video below and look through entire website. Many sections are still under construction, so please check back often as we will be continually adding more and more details and evidence. 


Thank you for stopping by.

In The Video Below Carrie Madej explains
The Protocol Formula She Uses For Her Patients. Yet We Were Given And Told A Much Higher 

Dr. Mahaffey Speaks On Harmful Treatments
& Wrongful Death Of Stefan Suto

Challenging The Medical Community
To  Speak Out & Prevent This From Happening Again 
Even When Its One Of Their Own 

Carrie Madej Surrendered Her Medical License

See Below Documentation


Please Prayerfully Consider Helping Us With Medical & Legal Expenses That Accrued Due To These Tragic Events.

You May Do So By Donating Below


Mail Your Donation To 

Steve Ben-Nun P.O. Box 156, Sunbright, TN 37872

© 2023  Justice For Stefan Suto

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